Whelp.... in all fairness, I read about the first 15% of this incredibly long article and I must say that I regret the 20 minutes I will never get back. I started this with an open mind because it was referred from Mathew Crawford and I find him to be one of the most credible people I follow. I’m not going to make the effort of quoting the different sections I read that I disagree with because it’s just not worth my time, so I will paraphrase. You start out to purport a fair and balanced assessment (even though you immediately follow that up with the fact that you are going to try and convince us of a conspiracy to murder George, which I found to be fair that you at least pointed that out), but immediately the descriptions veer off into the “gentle giant“ fairytale.

You describe how everybody liked George, all the nice things they had to say about him, what a sweet guy he was… What is noticeable by its absence is any mention of the guy's police record to include being under the influence of drugs, suspected of selling drugs, and the most glaringly absent: events where he and four other men armed with deadly weapons invaded a couple's home, and George specifically restrained the woman with a gun or knife pointed at her while the rest of the thugs ransacked the house looking for drugs and money which they never found. I might have found you somewhat credible if you had brought any of his history of drug use or violent commission of crimes up. Instead, you gently miss lead us by talking about “prescription Percocet“ that you never quite tell us whether he personally had a legal prescription for the Percocet or whether he was just illegally in possession of this "prescription" drug at the time of the incident. Need I tell you where my inclinations lead?

And here’s where I read a couple more paragraphs and slammed on the brakes. Out of thin air, with absolutely not a shred of evidence or anything that might lead a reasonable person to believe this would be a credible hypothesis, you purport that poor George was drugged without his knowledge. Why not aliens or demon possession — you had equal evidence of any of the 3 hypotheses, which is to say: none. We don’t know who would’ve drugged him or why or even how (I never did make it to the complex plan that shows how all of this was premeditated, but I can’t even begin to imagine a scenario where someone could’ve preplanned all of this to work out to their advantage, as evidenced by 4 cops serving time). Here’s a thug and drug user who has a documented history verifiable through police reports of drug use, possession, and presumably intent to sell… And you expect us to believe that just this time he was drugged without his knowledge — this time he was just an innocent bystander sitting in his parked car! And the proof of that being that if he were guilty of passing a counterfeit bill, he simply would’ve driven away so as not to get caught, and not sat in his car stoned out of his mind, probably not even caring where he was at the moment. Perfectly credible hypothesis — not.

And do you realize how laughable your attempted contortion of reality is, trying to make us believe that sweet, innocent Georgie tried to pay for whatever items he was buying with a counterfeit bill and that his only intention was to leave the counterfeit bill as....wait for it..... an IOU??? What honest person expects to pay for merchandise with an IOU — in the form of A COUNTERFEIT $20 BILL??? Much less, he never explained to the store clerk that this was "just his way of leaving an IOU" and he would be back to pay with cold, hard US legal tender. Puhlease. You rolled off into the height of ridiculousness so fast that the induced vertigo made me nauseous.

I’m not going to take the time to honor this ridiculous screed with a cogent retort. Sadly, my rebuttal is as much of a mess as your article. It’s late, it’s been a long day, and I’m more than a little miffed to have wasted the time that I already have on this mess. I was honestly curious how you would build a case that poor George was deliberately murdered as part of a much larger plan to ignite WWIII by 4 now-imprisoned officers (well their little plan sure worked out in their favor, didn’t it…) and other unnamed collaborators as part of a grand scheme to… I never got that far.

Anyways… My apologies to anybody reading this. I could’ve done a better job but I’m just too tired and agitated at having wasted even this much time. Do yourself a favor and skip this article.

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I told Matt I did not find this article convincing and he cracked the sads.

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The $20 note is claimed and then argued to be an IOU, despite no evidence supporting this, immediately after citing.... Ockam's razor.

Mr Crawford recommended the same articles to me also, and similarly to you, I started reading but then thought huh? what? IOU the what now?

Doesn't pass the sniff test.

Your comment is appreciated and fully agreed with here.

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I hope the whistleblower candidates read to the end. Great article! I do think you forgot about George holding a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly in the commission of one crime, and the counterfeit bill as an iou is fairly unlikely. However, I have often wondered how they could have killed him in plain view as if they wanted everyone to see unless it was set up to cause riots.

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This is a very interesting post. Is there a way I can reach you by email? Thank you!!

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