HOLY CRAP did you see Kanye's reveal just now on Piers Morgan?

[Link removed, awaiting full interview]

Kanye said that on the day of his death George Floyd said "they are looking for a tall one" and prayed. It was suggested that he allowed himself to be sacrificed knowing that this was happening because his family would be taken care of.

You were right and Kanye just blew the lid off.

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Wow what a great read!

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This is truly disturbing and probably on target.

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I've always thought the GF event was staged

Gray State - Official Concept Trailer (2012)


pause at 5 seconds - Map crosshairs over Hennepin County Courthouse (Alexander Kueng and Tou Thao Trial is there)




Pause video on map at 1:43

Look at blue box that says 'HQ' .... Between the letters H and Q is the intersection where GF was "killed" allegedly

George Floyd Memorial


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100% faked ff

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10. As he walked behind George Floyd, Kueng held a gray object in his left hand, which is visible at the 6:07 point in Kueng’s body-cam video. This object was used by Kueng either to inject poison (or drugs) into George Floyd’s right wrist or (less likely) to apply a topical poison to his right wrist. Kueng then pressed the handcuff into the region where the poison had either been injected or applied, causing Floyd to cry out in pain.


So Kueng had a poison or drug in an needle like applicator, or topical poison, in his bare left hand. He was able to apply this substance to Floyd, covertly, with his bodycam filming.

Think this through...

You have a poison or drug in a needle like applicator in your bare left hand. Or (less likely), you have a poison so hazardous that it need only be applied topically... again in your bare left hand.

Knowing you have a lethal substance, are you going to hold it in your bare hand? Are you then going to fiddle around with a handcuffed man while trying to hid this activity from your active bodycam?


Consider the assassination of Kim Jong Nam. The two woman involved stated they had no idea of the actual substance in the attack. They thought they were TV actors and had no idea of the peril they were in by handling precursors to VX nerve agent.


I'll read part III, but I hope the leaps of faith don't get any worse.

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